Osmosis is the movement of water or other solvent through a plasma membrane from a region of low solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration. Osmosis is passive transport, meaning it does not require energy to be applied.
The sugar solution in cavity of yam will remain the same. Therefore osmosis will not take place
Osmosis did not occur because the semi permeable membrane of yam cells was destroyed by boiling which did not allow movement of water into the solute (sugar) molecules
(i) Potato
(ii) cocoyam
Food substances|Two test reagents
Reducing sugar|Fehling’s solution and benedict solution
Protein|Biuret solution and Million’s solution
Fats and oil|Sudan(III) solution and
Digestive enzyme|Location of production of enzyme|Site of action
Maltase|Small intestine(Ileum)|Walls of small intestine
Sucrase|Small intestine(ileum)|Walls of small intestine
Amylase|Ileum or duodenum|Liver
Get a fresh leaf
-Wash in a clean water
-Boil in warm/hot water to soften it
-Put in alcohol to kill the cells and to remove the cholorophyll, thus the leaf is destarched
The starch is converted to simple sugars or simple carbohydrates|glucose
To kill the protoplasm
To remove chlorophyll
To soften it
(i) Decomposition of the body.
(ii) Conversion of energy to trophic level
(iii) Release of nitrogenous compound to the soil
(i) It increases soil fertilty
(ii) It increases micro-organism activities such as nitrosomas and nitrobacter
(iii) It increases crop yield or production
(i) Ammonia
(ii) Nitrogen
(iii) Carbondioxide
Burning the dead dog and fumigating the affected areas
To avoid epidemic outbreak of diseases
Fungi and protozoa
Goat and tiger
(i)They breakdown dead or decomposing organisms
(ii)They use organic substrate to get their energy
(i)They add fertility to the soil for plant growth
(ii)They indirectly support the balance of carbondioxide to oxygen in the air
(iii) They aerates the soil
(i)Biennial Plant: This Is a flowering plant that takes two years to complete biological life cycle
(ii)Perenial Plant: This Is a plant that lives more than two years
(iii)Digestive prey
(iv)Absorb nutrient
(i)Store water in the stem
(ii)To capture insect
(iii)To insect for pollination
(iv)For digging the soil for food
(v)To protect them for cold
(i)Conservation of energy
(ii)Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transfered from one form to another
(i) Hepatitis
(ii) Cirrhosis
Posted by admin on 9th September 2019.
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